Land of A Thousand Hills

Land of A Thousand Hills

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Vision 20/20

RWANDA IS BEAUTIFUL. So many people would tell you to just COME AND SEE. I was talking with a young college student today who is currently living in the Food for the Hungry guest house with me. I will be living at the guest house only for a couple more weeks before moving into my real house with Amy and Linda, two other teachers from KICS. The college student, who is on a four month internship rotating between Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda, and I were talking about Rwanda and how different it is from other African countries. We both were agreeing that we were surprised by how clean it is and how Rwanda is really making efforts to raise above other countries and rebuild. She was saying, in Rwanda, there is a program called Vision 20/20, which i am going to learn more about and look into. It has several components to rebuilding, one being community development and focusing on community clean-up. They believe in order to rebuild they must focus on taking care of the things they have, the country as a whole, and working together towards this purpose and goal. I just think it is such a beautiful mentality and a very important component, if not one of the most important components to rebuilding and wholeness. It raises an awareness of the blessing of people, property, possessions, community.... and helps people to WORK TOGETHER FOR ONE PURPOSE. I think it is definitely a component to wholeness and definitely something we do not focus a ton on in America. I will share more about Vision 20/20 as I learn.

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